History and
Highlights of the
S.S. Cristobal
The S.S. Cristobal
was requisitioned from the Panama Railroad Company by the U.S. Army on January 11,
1942. Twelve days later -- her trim lines muddled with camouflage paint, and
partially converted so every valuable inch could be utilized -- the Cristobal
sailed from New York with troops and supplies. Destination: New Caledonia.
However, political relations between the Free French, the Vichy French and the
United States were not yet clear, so the convoy with which the Cristobal was
traveling was diverted to Australia. There the ship reloaded, picked up field
artillery guns and proceeded to New Caledonia.
Arriving at Noumea, New Caledonia, the first part of March, 1942, the troops disembarked
by using the ship's lifeboats. For days, these troops sweated over the unfamiliar
and back-breaking job of handling all cargo by hand. There were no facilities ashore
at New Caledonia. Our war was three months old.
The Cristobal was next ordered back to New York. As she drew near the
Atlantic Coast, there was no rest for the officers and crew. The coastal waters were
known to be infested with enemy submarines. None was spotted until the Cristobal
was off Cape Hatteras. There the dark dripping snout of an emerging sub was
sighted. She hulked out of the water as the men on the Cristobal waited
tensely. The men on the submarine were evidently just as amazed at finding an enemy
ship so close by, and the submarine submerged.
Back in New York the Cristobal was further converted to carry 2,300 troops.
She next headed for Belfast, Ireland. Then, on to Scotland for British troops, and
to join a convoy of British and American ships. On Memorial Day, 1942, the Cristobal
sailed fur Suez. The long voyage, via Freetown, West Africa ... Capetown ... Durban,
South Africa ... and Aden, Arabia was made safely, and the Cristobal, reached
Suez July 23, 1942. Once there, her days seemed numbered, for she was exposed
nightly to fierce air attack, particularly from the ships' deadly enemy, the torpedo
However, the Cristobal's luck held, and the gallant ship started the long trip
home unscathed. On this trip, her "passengers" were Italian prisoners of
war bound for Durban. And this time she sailed alone. thirty-one days later
the men on the Cristobal, thankfully eased the ship into New York Harbor, having
stopped a day in Durban, while the Italian prisoners disembarked, and a day in Capetown to
pick up fuel oil.
S.S. Cristobal during WWII |
At the end of October,
1942, the Cristobal left New York again -- destination unknown. She was
headed for the invasion of Casablanca. In the space of eleven days the Cristobal
was filled with wounded service men at Casablanca ... 1,300 of them ... who were brought
back to New York.
For the duration of the war in Europe, the Cristobal made trips back and forth to
the Mediterranean, North Africa and Italy with occasional trips to England and Iceland.
After the invasion of Normandy, she landed troops at Utah Beach and later at Le
Havre, Marseilles and Port Said, the Mediterranean entrance of the Suez Canal.
When the European conflict was ended, the Cristobal, brought back troops from
Italy, France and England. She carried a great many sick and wounded being
particularly well fitted for use as a hospital ship.
In January, 1946, the ship underwent another partial conversion -- this time for the
comfort of the bride and diaper trade. The Cristobal carried a vast number
of war brides and children from England, France, and Port Said without a single casualty.
By the time she made her last war-service voyage, the stately Cristobal
was quite used to the maze of didies and dainties hanging everywhere. On her last
trip she carried American dependents to Bremerhaven, Germany, and returned with war brides
from France and England.
After completing 4 years and 5 months service with the army, the S.S. Cristobal
was gratefully returned to the Panama Line. Today she is once more proudly sailing
in luxurious peacetime dress. All that remains of her wartime service is the ship's
log. January 11, 1942 - June 14, 1946, and the memories of the men who sailed the S.S.
contributed by Bill Fall
October 16, 1999
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