Balboa High School
Class of 1965

The 1965 BHS class is hosting a Villa at the upcoming reunion in Orlando.  The Villa room number will be posted and available at the reunion.  All BHS ers and CHS ers are welcome to drop by and visit.  Please sign the Guest Book in the Villa. Look forward to seeing you there.  PHil Stewart and Rick Williams


Welcome to the BHS Class of '65 Homepage.  We will keep you up to date on classmates, reunion plans and whatever else we can think up.  If  you have any ideas and suggestions -- please let us know.

We are looking for fellow classmates -- if you have a snail mail address or email address please send it to: 
Camille Hendricks Harrington at 

arrow-g.gif (136 bytes)Email Addresses


This Webpage Designed and Maintained by CZBrats
Last Update:  May 26, 2004
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