The Builders of the Panama Canal

100 Years
The American Era of the Panama Canal

sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The French Failure
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The French Canal
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The French Era in Pictures
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Spooner Act
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Most Dreadful Pest of Humanity:  Yellow Fever and the Reed Commission 1898-1901
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) History of the Panama Canal by Ira E. Bennett
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Americans in Panama by William R. Scott
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Panama Canal by Colonel George W. Goethals
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) America's Triumph in Panama (Poem)
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Important Features of the Canal Zone
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Canal Zone Government Established - May 1904
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) President Roosevelt's Address to Employees, Culebra CZ, 
Nov. 16, 1906
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) President Roosevelt's Address to Employees, Colon RP,
Nov. 16, 1906
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) President Roosevelt's Letter to His Son, November 20, 1906
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) President Roosevelt's Report to Congress, December 17, 1906
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Panama Canal Service Medal - the "Junk" Medal
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) President Taft's Proclamation on PC Tolls
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) A Collection of Pieces Related to Colonel Goethals
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) John F. Stevens
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Farewell to John F. Stevens
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Colonel David Du Bose Gaillaird
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Gaillard Plaque
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Anniversary of the Spanish-American War
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Panama Canal Murals
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Construction Days Collage
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Medals Chronicle History of Waterway
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Panama Canal - Features of Construction
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Cucaracha Slide
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Osmund Osmundsen, a builder of the Panama Canal
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Mrs. Mattie Morrison Recalls Pioneer Days in the Canal Zone
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Canal Diggers' Wives and Housekeeping
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Men Dug the Canal ... But Women Played a Vital Role
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Dredger (A Poem)
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Ballad of the Panama Canal
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Court of  Low, Middle, and High Justice
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Unsung Heros of Canal History
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Maurice Thatcher
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) John Constantine - The Panama Canal's First Pilot
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) A Trip Down Memory Lane
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) A Marvel (Poem)
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Nicaragua Closely Rivaled Panama As Route For Canal
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Joseph Pennell -- The World Was His Studio
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Hospitals in the Canal Zone
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Early Towns "Along The Line"
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Villages Under Waters of Gatun Lake
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) True Stories of Life and Work on the Isthmus
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Along the Line -- Chanteys
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Canal - Railroad Honor Roll
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Kangaroo Order Popular When Canal Being Built
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Chauffeur Since 1908 Recalls Boer War, Jamaican Quake and Canal Building
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Social Life of the Zone (Canal Record - 12/25/07)
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Life on Isthmus Presented Little Luxury in 1914
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Tivoli, Opened for a President ...
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) West Indian Commemorative Stamp
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Brawn and Brains Built the Canal
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Panama Canal Telephone Begun by the French
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Long Time Employee Considers Passage Money Well Spent
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) They Wanted Young Men
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Ditch Digger (The Dredge Cascadas)
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Well Known Headwaiter Retires After Long Canal Service
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Canal Say Farewell To Oldest Local Rate Workers
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Veteran Worker Completes 42 Years with the Panama Railroad
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Laborers Arrive
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Sanitary Conditions As We Found Them In 1904 by Col. William Gorgas
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Last Steam Shovel in Culebra Cut
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) A Few Will Remember
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Last Survivor of Panama Canal Construction Remembers Endeavor
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Steamers to the Isthmus
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Remembering Gatun
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Tribute Paid to West Indian Workers
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Money Brought Him To Panama
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Alexander Frank Betty
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Driver's Canal Service Spans 35 Years
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Gold Rush Days On The Isthmus
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Chagres: River of Westward Passage
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Panama Roughneck Ballads
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Locomotive #299
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Towing Locomotive - Mule #686
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Last Canal Builder Dies
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Americans in Panama by William S. Scott
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Protecting the Canal
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Bernhard Menkens - Roosevelt Medal Holder
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Organization of the Panama Canal Company/Canal Zone Government
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) History of the Governor's House
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Mitre Gate Moving Machinery
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) The Zonian, Canal Zone High School 1910
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Administration Building Unites Past, Present and Future
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Panama Canal Shovel in Costa Rica
sqblmarble.gif (1381 bytes) Anthrax Strike: The 1976 Outbreak of Labor Militancy in the Panama Canal Zone

Last Update:
April 24, 2014
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