The US Navy And The Panama Canal - Page 7


Slide Show:
USS IOWA at Miraflores Locks

The USS IOWA (BB-61) transited the Panama Canal March 26 - March 28, 2001 on its way from Rhode Island to the San Francisco Bay Area. Because of the dedicated actions of many that served aboard the USS IOWA,  the ship will become a memorial instead of ending up in a scrap heap.   These pictures of the ship's last transit of the Canal were taken on March 27 and 28, 2001 as it cleared Gaillard Cut and went through Miraflores Locks on the Pacific Side of the Isthmus of Panama.

Click Pic for Larger Image

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Gold Hill and Contractors Hill
(Gaillard Cut)

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USS IOWA crosses...

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...the Continental Divide

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Assistance from...

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...the tug Mehaffey

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Leading tugboat, Unidad, maintains...

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...towing speed of about five knots

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The bow

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Tug assistance on both sides, plus fore & aft

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The Crowley company's sea going tug, Sea Victory awaits..

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...the USS IOWA as
it exits the last set of locks, Miraflores Locks.

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Sea Victory
hooks up a
towing bridle for towing at sea.

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... thru Balboa Basin

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...under the Bridge of the Americas

iowav.jpg (14926 bytes) Balboa Yacht Club

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Out to Sea


El Seņor Jim

Background Collage
by: Virginia Hirons

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A Previous Transit

Learn more about the USS IOWA

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April 26, 2001