Quarry Heights
Quarry Heights the name was chosen because of its origin. Here are located the Headquarters of the Panama Canal Department and the palatial quarters of the Commanding General, set in the extensive grounds which are surrounded by beautiful trees and terraced to the brow of the hill. At present the Commanding General is General Martin who will shortly be succeeded by General Graves.
A site was needed for a military reservation and the plan was adopted to utilize that portion of Ancon Hill which had been quarried during the construction of the canal. The plan has been carried out with such wonderful results that Quarry Heights, with the superior beauty of its trees, flowers and charming quarters, has become one of the many brilliant achievements on the Zone and compels the admiration of all who see this beautiful post. The gaping wound from whence the canal locks drew a part of their firm foundations has not yet healed, nor has the deep gash made for a roadway that encircles this brooking old hill that leads to the its summit where it is capped with fortification guns.
From: Picturesque
Panama by Jean Heald
Curt Teich & Company, Chicago 1918
July 24, 2002